Donal AJOUMESSI HOUMPE | Econometrics and Finance | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Donal AJOUMESSI HOUMPE | Econometrics and Finance | Best Researcher Award

Researcher at University of Dschang, Cameroon.

Ajooumessi Houmpe Donal is an emerging scholar whose research primarily focuses on the intersection of political leadership and economic development in developing countries. His work uniquely examines how the profiles of national leaders, particularly their professional backgrounds, influence innovation indicators such as R&D expenditures and patent applications. Ajooumessi’s innovative approach to analyzing the political leader theory in the context of innovation, specifically in developing nations, makes him a valuable contributor to the academic field of economics and public policy. His research has significant implications for policymakers, particularly in shaping national innovation strategies to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 9.

Professional Profile


Ajooumessi Houmpe Donal holds an advanced degree in economics and political science, with a specialization in the impact of leadership on national economic performance. His educational background has provided him with a deep understanding of both the political and economic systems in developing countries, equipping him with the necessary analytical tools to pursue his research. His academic journey reflects a strong foundation in quantitative methods and political theory, allowing him to design and conduct rigorous empirical research that connects leadership profiles to innovation outcomes.

Professional Experience

Throughout his career, Ajooumessi Houmpe Donal has gained extensive professional experience, particularly in the fields of economics and public policy. He has worked with various academic institutions and policy think tanks, where his research has focused on the economic development of developing countries. His experience has also involved collaborating with government agencies and international organizations to provide insights into the role of political leadership in shaping national innovation strategies. This professional experience has honed his skills in data analysis, policy evaluation, and leadership studies, making him an expert in his field.

Research Interests

Ajooumessi Houmpe Donal’s primary research interest lies in the influence of political leaders on innovation and economic development, particularly in developing countries. He explores the impact of leaders’ backgrounds, such as military or political affiliations, on national research and development (R&D) expenditures and patent applications. His work is grounded in political leader theory, and he is particularly interested in understanding how leaders’ professional experiences and political ideologies affect national economic policies. His research also touches on the broader themes of sustainable development, with a focus on how innovation can contribute to achieving global development goals.

Research Skills

Ajooumessi Houmpe Donal is skilled in advanced quantitative research methods, including the use of Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimation to analyze large panels of data. He is proficient in econometric modeling and data analysis, enabling him to draw meaningful conclusions from complex datasets. Additionally, he has expertise in applying political theory to empirical economic research, providing a unique approach to understanding the role of political leaders in shaping innovation outcomes. His ability to integrate economic, political, and technological variables into his analyses sets him apart as a versatile and impactful researcher.

Awards and Honors

Ajooumessi Houmpe Donal has received recognition for his significant contributions to the field of economics, particularly in the areas of innovation and leadership studies. Although details on specific awards and honors are not widely published, his groundbreaking research has garnered attention within academic and policy circles. His work, particularly on how political leader profiles affect innovation outcomes in developing countries, has been highly regarded in various academic conferences and journals. His research’s contribution to Sustainable Development Goal 9 further enhances his standing as an emerging leader in the field.


AJOUMESSI HOUMPE Donal’s research is highly innovative, methodologically rigorous, and relevant to both academic discourse and policy-making. His focus on the relationship between political leader profiles and innovation in developing countries provides valuable insights that could influence future policy decisions, particularly in relation to R&D funding and innovation. While there are some opportunities to deepen the contextual analysis and increase data transparency, the study’s overall contribution to the field, particularly its relevance to Sustainable Development Goal 9, makes it a strong contender for the Best Researcher Award.

Publication Top Notes

  1. Publication Title: Political leader’s background and innovation in developing countries
    Authors: Donal, A.H., Eric Brice, N.F., Salomon Leroy, G.D.
    Journal: R and D Management, 2024
  2. Publication Title: The background of political leaders and capital flight: Evidence from Africa
    Authors: Donal, A.H.
    Journal: Journal of Government and Economics, 2023
    Volume: 9, Article 100068
    Citations: 4
  3. Publication Title: CO2 emission in Africa: national leader’s professional background effect
    Authors: Donal, A.H.
    Journal: Economics Bulletin, 2021
    Volume: 41(3), Pages 1501–1524
    Citations: 2