Dr. Marta Miarons : Leading Researcher in Farmacocinética
Head of the Pharmacy Service at Farmacocinéticay farmacogenética, Consorci Hospitalari de Vic, Spain
she remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.
🔬 she successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.
🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.
Professional Profiles:
- Hospital Universitario Vall d’Hebron
- Position: Farmacéutico especialista
- Start Date: 15/06/2019
- Hospital de Mataró
- Position: Farmacéutica especialista en Farmacia Hospitalaria
- Start Date: 21/05/2018
- Universitat de Vic
- Position: Profesor asociado – Facultad de Medicina
- Start Date: 01/10/2018