Prof. Gabriella Bognar | Fluid Mechanics | Women Researcher Award

Prof. Gabriella Bognar | Fluid Mechanics | Women Researcher Award

Professor at Fluid Mechanics, University of Miskolc, Hungary

👨‍🎓She remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 She successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


Doctor of Science (DSc) in Mechanical Engineering from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2013. Dr. habil (habilitation) from the University of Miskolc in 2006. Candidate of Science (CSc), equivalent to a PhD, in Mathematics from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1994.


Since 2014: Professor and Head of the Institute of Machine and Product Design at UM. 2013-2014: Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Machine and Product Design at UM. 1996-2003: Associate Professor at UM’s Institute of Mathematics. 1986-1996: Assistant Lecturer at UM’s Institute of Mathematics. 1984-1986: Lecturer at UM’s Institute of Mathematics. 1982-1984: Scholarship Scholar at UM’s Institute of Mathematics.


Vice-Dean for Research and International Affairs at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, serving from 2009 to 2013 and again since 2017. Faculty Assembly member of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics since 2008. Secretary and voting member of the Committee on Mechanical Structures of the VI. Section of Engineering Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Non-academician voting member of the VI. Section of Engineering Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the General Assembly of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences since 2019. Head of the István Sályi Doctoral School of Mechanical Engineering Sciences at the University of Miskolc since 2019.

Research Interest:

Prof. Gabriella Bognar possesses expertise in fluid flow, tribology, growth models, partial differential equations, and machine design.


Leading the product and technological development based on domestic R&D at CSABA METÁL Zrt, GINOP R&D project from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2025. Leading the development of a photopolymer system capable of recording holographic 3D images at GINOP R&D project from June 1, 2017, to June 30, 2022. Participation in the Bilateral Hungarian French Research Project 2018-2.1.13-TÉT-FR-2018-00014 on the analytical and numerical investigation of graphene layers on nanoparticles at Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France, from 2019 to 2022. Consortium partner leader in the Scale Up Academy (SUA) EIT HEI Initiative Innovation Capacity Building for Higher Education project from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2023. Leading the OTKA K-18 129257 project on new findings on the growth mechanism of thin films and some tribological characteristics from 2018 to 2022.


Mass transpiration in nonlinear MHD flow due to porous stretching sheet

  • Published in Energy in 2019 with 54 citations.

Similarity solution of boundary layer flows for non-Newtonian fluids

  • Published in Energy in 2009 with 41 citations.

A new exact solution for the flow of a fluid through porous media for a variety of boundary conditions

  • Published in Energy in 2019 with 39 citations.

Features of entropy optimization on MHD couple stress nanofluid slip flow with melting heat transfer and nonlinear thermal radiation

  • Published in Energy in 2020 with 37 citations.

Parametric optimization of the aluminium nanocomposites wear rate

  • Published in Energy in 2019 with 33 citations.

Pharmacodynamics and common drug-drug interactions of the third-generation antiepileptic drugs

  • Published in Energy in 2018 with 32 citations.

The application of Picone-type identity for some nonlinear elliptic differential equations

  • Published in Energy in 2003 with 29 citations.

Impact of heat generation/absorption of magnetohydrodynamics Oldroyd-B fluid impinging on an inclined stretching sheet with radiation

  • Published in Energy in 2020 with 28 citations.

On similarity solutions of boundary layer problems with upstream moving wall in non-Newtonian power-law fluids

  • Published in Energy in 2012 with 28 citations.

Analytic self-similar solutions of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang interface growing equation with various noise term

  • Published in Energy in 2019 with 26 citations.




Assist Prof Dr. Avdhoot Walunj | Mechanical Engineering

Assist Prof Dr. Avdhoot Walun : Leading Researcher in Mechanical Engineering

Assistant Professor of Mechanical at Heat exchangers, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri ,India

Your remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 Your successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


My academic journey has been marked by a steadfast pursuit of knowledge and excellence. Commencing with my Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) from Pune, I achieved an impressive 87.20% in 2006, laying a strong foundation for my educational endeavors. Progressing to my Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) in Science, I continued to excel with a notable 78.80% in 2008.

My passion for mechanical engineering led me to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pune, where I achieved a commendable grade of 65.50% upon completion in 2012. Building on this foundation, I further specialized in the field of Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Heat Power, earning a Master’s degree (M.E.) from Savitribai Phule Pune University with a remarkable grade of 7.58 in 2014. Driven by a commitment to advanced research, I undertook a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. Graduating in 2019, my Ph.D. journey culminated with a noteworthy grade of 7.25, reflecting both my dedication to the field and the depth of knowledge acquired throughout my academic pursuits. These academic achievements collectively represent my continuous pursuit of excellence in mechanical engineering and my commitment to scholarly endeavors.

Academic Project:

My academic journey has been characterized by a focused exploration of mechanical engineering, culminating in significant research contributions across various domains. In my Bachelor’s degree (B.E.), I conducted an Experimental Analysis of the Tribological Behavior of TiCN, Tin, and Hardchrome coatings. This study delved into the intricate details of surface coatings, particularly their tribological characteristics, providing valuable insights into material performance and durability. Building upon my undergraduate research, my Master’s degree (M.E.) focused on the Performance of Inclined Narrow Plate-fin Heat Sink under Free Convection Heat Transfer. Investigating the thermal behavior of inclined narrow plate-fin heat sinks, this research aimed to enhance our understanding of heat dissipation mechanisms, critical for applications in electronic cooling and thermal management.

Reviewer of the Journal/Conference:

The dissemination of research findings is crucial for contributing to the scientific discourse, and my work has been showcased in reputable journals and conferences. My research has been published in the following journals and presented at conferences. These platforms have provided a robust framework for sharing my contributions to the fields of nuclear engineering, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. The publications in these journals and participation in the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference underscore my commitment to engaging with the wider scientific community and advancing knowledge in these specialized domains.

Editorial Board Member of the Journal:

My research endeavors have found expression in esteemed journals, reflecting a dedication to advancing knowledge in the realm of mechanical engineering and energy harvesting. Published in the “Journal of Harvesting Energy” with the ISSN 2583-3197, my work contributes to the discourse on harnessing energy, a critical aspect in sustainable technology development. Furthermore, my research findings have been featured in the “International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications,” identified by the ISSN 2330-0248. This journal serves as a platform for disseminating insights and innovations in mechanical engineering, providing a channel to share my contributions with the broader academic and professional communities.

Avdhoot Walunj citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Cited by: All: 241, Since 2018: 217
Citations: 241 (All), 217 (Since 2018)
h-index: 7 (All), 6 (Since 2018)
i10-index: 4 (All), 4 (Since 2018)


1.Applications of Nanotechnology to Enhance the Performance of the Direct Absorption Solar Collectors

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2016 with 86 citations.

2.Comparative Study of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer from Various Microchannel Geometries

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2017 with 74 citations.

3.Bubble Dynamics and Enhanced Heat Transfer During High-Pressure Pool Boiling on Rough Surface

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2018 with 14 citations.

4.Transient CHF enhancement in high pressure pool boiling on rough surface

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2018 with 14 citations.

5.Review of Performance of Rectangular Fins under Natural Convection at Different Orientation of Heat Sink

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2014 with 9 citations.