Thierry Daboval | Prescription | Excellence in Research

Prof. Thierry Daboval | Prescription | Excellence in Research

Professor at Prescription, Montfort Hospital, Canada

Prof. Thierry Daboval boasts a diverse educational background spanning Architecture, Urban and Rural Planning, Microbiology, Biostatistics, and more. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Infectious Disease Modeling, they hold a Master’s in Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, along with a Bachelor’s in Marine Science and Environment. With over a decade of experience in environmental science and management, their focus includes marine science, environmental sustainability, climate change, coastal pollution, marine litter, and solid waste management. Their expertise also extends to public health and environmental exposure research, particularly in mitigating household air pollution (HAP). Moreover, they possess five years of laboratory research management experience, having led investigations in various projects related to drug interventions and clinical trials.

Professional Profiles:


Prof. Thierry Daboval has a strong academic background and extensive experience in neonatology and pediatrics. They have been a neonatologist and pediatrician since 1998, starting at the University of Sherbrooke and currently at the University of Ottawa. In 2021, they were promoted to Full Professor at the University of Ottawa. Since 2016, they have served as the NICU Site Chief in Level 3b NICUs at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), and they have held various leadership roles, including Medical Director of the Neonatal Follow-up (NNFU) Programs from 1997 to 2018 in several hospitals. Their research interests include neonatal ethics, medical education, communication in neonatology, and the long-term outcomes of high-risk infants. They have also completed several educational programs to enhance their skills and knowledge in these areas.

Academic Experience, and Leadership Role:

Prof. Thierry Daboval has a rich professional and academic background. Since 1998, they have held an academic position as a neonatologist and pediatrician, initially at the University of Sherbrooke and currently at the University of Ottawa. Their dedication and expertise led to their promotion to Full Professor in 2021 at the University of Ottawa. Since 2016, Prof. Daboval has served as the NICU Site Chief in Level 3b NICUs at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO), where their leadership has been instrumental in the unit’s success. Additionally, they have held various leadership roles, including Medical Director of the Neonatal Follow-up (NNFU) Programs from 1997 to 2018, demonstrating their commitment to improving neonatal care across multiple hospitals.

Research Interest:

Prof. Thierry Daboval is actively involved in research focusing on neonatal ethics, particularly in the areas of medical education and communication. Their work includes the Neonatal Ethics Teaching Program, which aims to enhance understanding and practice of ethics in neonatology. Prof. Daboval’s research also explores the decision-making process in neonatology, emphasizing the importance of parents’ involvement in these critical decisions. In addition to their work in ethics, Prof. Daboval is interested in the long-term outcomes of high-risk infants. They are particularly focused on understanding resource utilization and developing assessment and screening tools to improve the care and outcomes of these vulnerable patients. Their research contributes significantly to the field of neonatology, aiming to enhance ethical practices and improve the long-term outcomes of high-risk infants.

Academic Positions:

Prof. Thierry Daboval has a distinguished career in neonatology and pediatrics, holding various academic and leadership positions. Since 2021, they have been a Full Professor at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Medicine, serving as Professor of Pediatric and Chairman of the Department of Pediatric under Dr. Ciaran Duffy’s leadership. From 2006 to 2021, Prof. Daboval was an Associate Professor at the University of Ottawa, also holding the positions of Professor of Pediatric and Chairman of the Department of Pediatric under Dr. John Joseph Reisman’s leadership. They briefly served as an Associate Professor at the University of Sherbrooke in 2006 and held the position of Assistant Professor at the same university from 2002 to 2006. They also worked as a Clinical Teacher at the University of Montreal from 1997 to 2001.

Professional Positions:

Prof. Thierry Daboval has been a neonatologist and pediatrician since 1998, starting at the University of Sherbrooke and currently at the University of Ottawa. They were promoted to Full Professor in 2021 at the University of Ottawa. Since 2016, they have held the position of NICU Site Chief in Level 3b NICUs at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) with great success. They have also held many different leadership roles, including Medical Director of the Neonatal Follow-up (NNFU) Programs from 1997 to 2018 in various hospitals. Prof. Daboval is actively involved in research on neonatal ethics, medical education, communication in neonatology, and long-term outcomes of high-risk infants. They have completed several educational programs to enhance their skills and knowledge, including the Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Leadership Program at Telfer Executive Programs, University of Ottawa. Their extensive experience and dedication make them a respected figure in the field of neonatology.


  1. Neurodevelopmental outcomes at 4 to 8 years of children born at 22 to 25 weeks’ gestational age: a meta-analysis
    • Authors: GP Moore, B Lemyre, N Barrowman, T Daboval
    • Year: 2013
    • Citations: 160
  2. Neurodevelopmental outcomes of infants born at< 29 weeks of gestation admitted to Canadian neonatal intensive care units based on location of birth
    • Authors: R Amer, D Moddemann, M Seshia, R Alvaro, A Synnes, KS Lee, SK Lee, …
    • Year: 2018
    • Citations: 78
  3. Antenatal consultations at extreme prematurity: a systematic review of parent communication needs
    • Authors: A Kharrat, GP Moore, S Beckett, SG Nicholls, M Sampson, T Daboval
    • Year: 2018
    • Citations: 69
  4. CPS position statement for prenatal counselling before a premature birth: simple rules for complicated decisions
    • Authors: A Janvier, KJ Barrington, K Aziz, E Bancalari, D Batton, C Bellieni, …
    • Year: 2014
    • Citations: 54
  5. Field testing of decision coaching with a decision aid for parents facing extreme prematurity
    • Authors: GP Moore, B Lemyre, T Daboval, S Ding, S Dunn, S Akiki, N Barrowman, …
    • Year: 2017
    • Citations: 47
  6. Shared decision making for infants born at the threshold of viability: a prognosis-based guideline
    • Authors: B Lemyre, T Daboval, S Dunn, M Kekewich, G Jones, D Wang, …
    • Year: 2016
    • Citations: 46
  7. Ethical framework for shared decision making in the neonatal intensive care unit: communicative ethics
    • Authors: T Daboval, S Shidler
    • Year: 2014
    • Citations: 42
  8. Severe neurodevelopmental impairment in neonates born preterm: impact of varying definitions in a Canadian cohort
    • Authors: MD Haslam, S Lisonkova, D Creighton, P Church, J Yang, PS Shah, …
    • Year: 2018
    • Citations: 40
  9. A meta‐analysis of neurodevelopmental outcomes at 4–10 years in children born at 22–25 weeks gestation
    • Authors: S Ding, B Lemyre, T Daboval, N Barrowman, GP Moore
    • Year: 2019
    • Citations: 38
  10. Shared decision making at the limit of viability: a blueprint for physician action
    • Authors: T Daboval, S Shidler, D Thomas
    • Year: 2016
    • Citations: 28