Mr. Utkarsh Shivam | Operations | Best Scholar Award

Mr. Utkarsh Shivam | Operations | Best Scholar Award

Doctoral Scholar at Operations, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow, India

👨‍🎓He remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 He successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


  1. Indian Institute of Management Lucknow (IIM L)
    • Ph.D., Operations Management, June 2020 onwards
    • Dissertation Title: Essays on the Electric Bus adoption for Sustainable Public Transportation
    • Dissertation Committee: Prof. Suresh K. Jakhar, Dr. Amit Kohar, and Prof. Himanshu Rathore
    • CGPA: 7.42/10 at the end of two-year coursework
  2. Indian Institute of Management Jammu (IIM J)
    • M.B.A. (Operations & Marketing), June 2017 – March 2019
    • CGPA: 6.27/10
  3. S.R.M.C.E.M, Lucknow
    • B.Tech., Mechanical Engineering, July 2010 – June 2014
    • First Division, 65.26%
  4. R.L.B. Group of Schools, Lucknow
    • AISSCE, Central Board of Secondary Education, April 2010
    • First Division, 82.60%
  5. R.L.B. Group of Schools, Lucknow
    • AISSE, Central Board of Secondary Education, April 2008
    • First Division, 80.00%


Operations Research, Transportation, Mathematical Modelling, Optimization, Linear & Non-linear Programming, Logistics & Warehousing


  • 2023: Won Best Paper Award (2nd Prize) in 26th Annual International Conference of Society of Operations Management (SOM) 2023, organized by SOM and IIM Shillong
  • Y-Star Top Tier and Early Bird Challenge Winners in Yes Bank Transformation Series 2018
  • National Finalist (Top 5) at Lakshwiz- Factory (Supply chain case study) at NITIE, Mumbai- 2018
  • National Finalist (Top 6) in Jagruti-case study, IIM Lucknow by Goldman Sachs, and America-India Foundation- 2017


  • Attended Summer School on “Large Scale Optimisation” organized by Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad (IIMA), Brij Disa Centre for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence held during May 6 to May 13, 2022.
  • Participated & Completed Blended/Hybrid Faculty Development Program (FDP) on “Transportation & Logistics industry” held during 20 February to 3 March, 2023 at IIM Jammu under AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy.


  • Certified Lean Six Sigma Green Belt by KPMG – 2018

Extra Curricular Activities:


  • 2023 Participated in Harmony cup organised by Bhavishya team at IIM Lucknow
  • 2019 Participated in Inter-College Sport competition in NDIM, New Delhi in IIM Jammu Cricket Team.

Position of Responsibilities:

  • Sr. Campus Ambassador, International Supply Chain Education Alliance (ISCEA) SCNext India, 2018-19
  • Founder & Member of the Operations Club of IIM Jammu, 2017-19.
  • Member of Sponsorship Team of TedxIIMJammu organized at IIM Jammu, 2018
  • Member of Logistics Team of 1st HR Conclave organized at IIM Jammu, 2017
  • Chief Organiser of Security Cell at S.R.M.C.E.M for various events and annual fest from 2012-13.

Summer Trainings:

  • Underwent Summer Training of 4 weeks in Turbine manufacturing shop of B.H.E.L, Haridwar
  • Underwent Summer Training of 4 weeks in Mechanical workshop of N.E. Railways, Gorakhpur


    • English: Fluent
    • Hindi: Native

Dr. GENGXIN ZHANG | Mechanical Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Dr. GENGXIN ZHANG | Mechanical Engineering | Best Researcher Award

Associate Professor at Mechanical Engineering , University of Birmingham ,United Kingdom

👨‍🎓He remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 He successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


Dr. Gengxin Zhang is currently serving as a Research Assistant in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Birmingham, UK, a position he has held since November 2022. Prior to this role, he pursued his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at Hiroshima University, Japan, from October 2019 to September 2022, under the guidance of Prof. Keiya Nishida. Dr. Zhang’s academic journey also includes an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Yanshan University, China, completed from September 2016 to June 2019, and a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Henan University of Science and Technology, China, obtained from September 2012 to June 2016.


In 2018, Dr. Gengxin Zhang held the position of Technical Consultant in the Powertrain Design Department at Sijiate Special Vehicle Manufacturing Co., Ltd. During this role, he was responsible for designing and troubleshooting hydraulic circuits. Subsequently, from June 2019 to September 2019, he worked as a Design Engineer in the New Energy Vehicle Division at AVIC Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. In this role, he focused on designing quick-charging connectors and battery powertrain connectors.

Research Fields:

Dr. Gengxin Zhang is a member of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (JSME). His research focuses on the following fields:

  1. Optical Diagnostics for Spray and Combustion
  2. Clean Combustion and Pollutant Emission Control
  3. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling and Simulation


In 2019, Dr. Gengxin Zhang achieved several notable recognitions in Hebei Province, including being named an Outstanding Graduate and a Merit Student (Three Good: good in study, attitude, and health). Furthermore, his Master’s thesis received the honor of being recognized as an Excellent Master’s Thesis of Hebei Province. In 2020, he was awarded the China Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship. His accomplishments culminated in 2023 when he received the prestigious Global Young Scientist Award.


Similarity and normalization study of fuel spray and combustion under ultra-high injection pressure and micro-hole diameter conditions–spray characteristics

The effect of split injection on fuel adhesion characteristics under static flow and cross-flow field conditions

A Study on the Dynamic Collision Behaviors of a Hydrous Ethanol Droplet on a Heated Surface

Experimental Study on the Adhesive Fuel Features of Inclined Wall-Impinging Spray at Various Injection Pressure Levels in a Cross-Flow Field

Ignition timing effect on the combustion performance of hydrogen addition in methane fermentation gas in a local energy system

Characterization of diesel spray combustion using two-color pyrometry and OH∗ chemiluminescence imaging- comparison between micro-hole and ultra-high injection pressure effects

Investigation on fuel adhesion characteristics of wall-impingement spray under cross-flow conditions

RIM Experiment on Fuel Adhesion Characteristics of Inclined-Wall-Impinging Spray under Cross-Flow Conditions


Ms. Lina Khalifah | Metallurgy Engineer | Best Researcher Award

Ms. Lina Khalifah | Metallurgy Engineer | Best Researcher Award

PhD student at Metallurgy Engineer , University of Technology , Pakistan

👨‍🎓She remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 She successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


Ms. Lina Khalifah completed a Diploma in Training of Trainers (TOT) at the Center for Development Studies and Training, the Academy of Scientific and Human Development, the German Rhine Berg Academy, and the International Accreditation Organization in Baghdad, during October 2017. This diploma enhanced her understanding of diverse teaching methods for various scientific disciplines, training methodologies, and the process of designing training programs tailored to the specific needs of the trainees.


Ms. Lina Khalifah earned her Bachelor’s degree in Production and Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Technology in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2013. Her coursework included Principles of Mechanics, Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests, Metallurgy Engineering, Engineering Material, Engineering Material Resistance, Manufacturing Methods, Welding Metallurgy, Principles of Corrosion, Thermodynamics in Engineering Material, Engineering Design, Phase Transformation, Quality Control, Mathematics, and studies in human rights, freedoms, and the constitution.

She continued her education by completing a Master’s degree in Metallurgy Engineering with a focus on Advanced Nano Materials at the University of Technology in Baghdad, Iraq, in 2017. Her thesis was titled “Low Temperature Degradation of Bulk Nano Yttria Partially Stabilized Zirconia.” During her Master’s program, she studied Metallurgy Engineering, Engineering Material Selection, Manufacturing Methods, Welding Metallurgy, Principles of Corrosion, Phase Transformation, Mathematics, Extraction of Metals, Microscope Types and Techniques, and English.

Assist Prof Dr. Avdhoot Walunj | Mechanical Engineering

Assist Prof Dr. Avdhoot Walun : Leading Researcher in Mechanical Engineering

Assistant Professor of Mechanical at Heat exchangers, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri ,India

Your remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 Your successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


My academic journey has been marked by a steadfast pursuit of knowledge and excellence. Commencing with my Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) from Pune, I achieved an impressive 87.20% in 2006, laying a strong foundation for my educational endeavors. Progressing to my Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) in Science, I continued to excel with a notable 78.80% in 2008.

My passion for mechanical engineering led me to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pune, where I achieved a commendable grade of 65.50% upon completion in 2012. Building on this foundation, I further specialized in the field of Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Heat Power, earning a Master’s degree (M.E.) from Savitribai Phule Pune University with a remarkable grade of 7.58 in 2014. Driven by a commitment to advanced research, I undertook a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. Graduating in 2019, my Ph.D. journey culminated with a noteworthy grade of 7.25, reflecting both my dedication to the field and the depth of knowledge acquired throughout my academic pursuits. These academic achievements collectively represent my continuous pursuit of excellence in mechanical engineering and my commitment to scholarly endeavors.

Academic Project:

My academic journey has been characterized by a focused exploration of mechanical engineering, culminating in significant research contributions across various domains. In my Bachelor’s degree (B.E.), I conducted an Experimental Analysis of the Tribological Behavior of TiCN, Tin, and Hardchrome coatings. This study delved into the intricate details of surface coatings, particularly their tribological characteristics, providing valuable insights into material performance and durability. Building upon my undergraduate research, my Master’s degree (M.E.) focused on the Performance of Inclined Narrow Plate-fin Heat Sink under Free Convection Heat Transfer. Investigating the thermal behavior of inclined narrow plate-fin heat sinks, this research aimed to enhance our understanding of heat dissipation mechanisms, critical for applications in electronic cooling and thermal management.

Reviewer of the Journal/Conference:

The dissemination of research findings is crucial for contributing to the scientific discourse, and my work has been showcased in reputable journals and conferences. My research has been published in the following journals and presented at conferences. These platforms have provided a robust framework for sharing my contributions to the fields of nuclear engineering, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. The publications in these journals and participation in the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference underscore my commitment to engaging with the wider scientific community and advancing knowledge in these specialized domains.

Editorial Board Member of the Journal:

My research endeavors have found expression in esteemed journals, reflecting a dedication to advancing knowledge in the realm of mechanical engineering and energy harvesting. Published in the “Journal of Harvesting Energy” with the ISSN 2583-3197, my work contributes to the discourse on harnessing energy, a critical aspect in sustainable technology development. Furthermore, my research findings have been featured in the “International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications,” identified by the ISSN 2330-0248. This journal serves as a platform for disseminating insights and innovations in mechanical engineering, providing a channel to share my contributions with the broader academic and professional communities.

Avdhoot Walunj citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Cited by: All: 241, Since 2018: 217
Citations: 241 (All), 217 (Since 2018)
h-index: 7 (All), 6 (Since 2018)
i10-index: 4 (All), 4 (Since 2018)


1.Applications of Nanotechnology to Enhance the Performance of the Direct Absorption Solar Collectors

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2016 with 86 citations.

2.Comparative Study of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer from Various Microchannel Geometries

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2017 with 74 citations.

3.Bubble Dynamics and Enhanced Heat Transfer During High-Pressure Pool Boiling on Rough Surface

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2018 with 14 citations.

4.Transient CHF enhancement in high pressure pool boiling on rough surface

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2018 with 14 citations.

5.Review of Performance of Rectangular Fins under Natural Convection at Different Orientation of Heat Sink

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2014 with 9 citations.


Dr. Meiguang Cao | Wire-arc additive manufacturing

🎉🏆 Congratulations, Dr. Meiguang Cao , on Your Outstanding Achievement as the Best Researcher! 🏆🎉
Dr. Meiguang Cao : Leading Researcher in Wire-arc additive manufacturing

Doctoral student at Wire-arc additive manufacturing, Naval University of Engineering, Egypt

Your remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 Your successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:

Learning Experience

  1. B.S. in Industrial Design
    • Duration: September 1, 2016, to June 23, 2020
    • Institution: Department of Electromechanical Engineering, Zaozhuang University
  2. Postgraduate Degree in Agricultural Engineering and Information Technology
    • Duration: September 1, 2020, to June 14, 2023
    • Institution: School of Marine Engineering Equipments, Zhejiang Ocean University
  3. Doctoral Student in Ship and Ocean Engineering
    • Duration: September 1, 2023, to Present
    • Institution: College of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Naval University of Engineering

This educational progression reflects your commitment to acquiring diverse knowledge across industrial design, agricultural engineering, and ship and ocean engineering. Each phase of your academic journey contributes to your expertise in different fields, showcasing a well-rounded learning experience.

About your contribution towards the Research & Development, Innovations, and Extension Activities:

Recently, we have investigated the effect of droplet oscillation momentum (DOM) on the surface roughness of wire-arc additive manufacturing fabricated parts, which was published in the internationally renowned journal “Virtual and Physical Prototyping” under the title “Modelling and application of droplet oscillation momentum for elucidating the development of surface roughness in wire-arc additive manufacturing”. The relevant study was published in the internationally renowned journal “Virtual and Physical Prototyping” under the title of “Modelling and application of droplet oscillation momentum for elucidating the development of surface roughness in wire-arc additive manufacturing”.