Prof Dr. Luiz Moreira Coelho Junio | Renewable Energy | Best Research Award

Prof Dr. Luiz Moreira Coelho Junio | Renewable Energy | Best Research Award

Research at Renewable Energy, Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil

👨‍🎓He remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 He successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:

Academic Graduation:

Luiz Moreira Coelho Junio completed their PhD in Forestry Engineering at the Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, Brazil, from 2007 to 2010, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior. Their PhD thesis, titled “Economic analysis of forest products under conditions of risk and uncertainty,” focused on Forest Economy, Project evaluation, and risk analysis. Felipe received a scholarship from the Minas Gerais State Research Support Foundation, FAPEMIG, Brazil, for this research. Their PhD major area is Applied Social Sciences, with the area of Economics and subarea of Social Welfare Economics, specializing in Forestry Economics. Their activity sectors related to their PhD research include Forestry, Forestry and Related Services, and City Planning and Management, including Housing Policy and Planning. For their Master’s degree in Forestry Engineering at the Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, Brazil, from 2002 to 2004, Felipe’s advisor was also Prof. Dr. Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior. Their Master’s thesis, titled “Temporal analysis of charcoal prices in the state of Minas Gerais,” focused on Charcoal, Forest Economy, Economic planning, Economic indicator, Energy crisis, and Time series. Felipe received a scholarship from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brazil, for this research. Their Master’s major area is Applied Social Sciences, with the area of Economics and subarea of Agrarian and Natural Resources Economies, specializing in Natural Resource Economics. Felipe’s sectors of activity related to their Master’s research include Products and Services Aimed at Defense and Protection of the Environment, Including Sustained Development.


Luiz Moreira Coelho Junio has a diverse range of professional experiences. In 2010, they worked on risk assessment for first-time users at Palisade Corporation, PALISADE, Brazil, with a workload of 24 hours. Also in 2010, Felipe was involved in production written references, including technical reports and dissemination of results, at the Institute of Rural Development of Paraná, IDR-Paraná, Brazil, with a workload of 24 hours each. In 2007, Felipe was involved in the preparation of the PPA and SISPPA at the Espírito Santo School of Public Service, ESESP, Brazil, with a workload of 20 hours each. In 2006, Felipe completed introductory training to work at IDAF at the Espírito Santo School of Public Service, ESESP, Brazil, with a workload of 304 hours. In 2002, Felipe participated in university extension activities in Georeferenced cartographic base production and GIS at the Federal University of Lavras, UFLA, Brazil, with a workload of 8 hours. In 2001, Felipe completed an introduction to Economic and Financial Forensics at the Regional Economic Council 17th Region ES, CORECON/ES, Brazil, with a workload of 15 hours.

Luiz Moreira Coelho Junio ‘s citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

  • Cited by: All: 1097, Since 2018: 793
  • Citations: 1097 (All), 793 (Since 2018)
  • h-index:  19 (All), 15 (Since 2018)
  • i-10index: 31 (All), 26 (Since 2018

These metrics showcase the impact of Junio ‘s work within the academic community, demonstrating the number of citations his publications have received and the influence of his research output.


Luiz Moreira Coelho Junio has institutional bonds with several universities in Brazil. Since 2022, they have had an institutional bond with the Federal University of Pernambuco, UFPE, Brazil. From 2019 to 2022, Felipe was a visiting researcher at the University of São Paulo, USP, Brazil, as a scholarship holder. Since 2013, Felipe has been employed as a full professor and public servant at the Federal University of Paraíba, UFPB, Brazil, with exclusive dedication and a 40-hour work week.

Additionally, Felipe has been involved in various activities at the Federal University of Paraíba:

  • Since August 2023, they have been a member of the Collegiate of the Postgraduate Program in Ecology and Environmental Monitoring at the Center for Applied Sciences and Education – Campus IV.
  • Since July 2023, Felipe has been teaching Ecology and Environmental Monitoring at the postgraduate level, with subjects including Circular Economy.
  • Since December 2020, Felipe has been teaching Mechanical Engineering at the postgraduate level.

Research Lines:

Luiz Moreira Coelho Junior’s research interests and objectives in the field of environment, economy, and energy use include:

  1. Economics and Forest Planning under deterministic and stochastic conditions.
  2. Regionalization and Agroforestry Production Systems.
  3. Agricultural and natural resources economy.
  4. Economic Engineering and Economics of the Environment and Natural Resources.
  5. Environment, Economy, and Energy Use: The research group aims to achieve a better understanding of sustainable energy use and to promote more efficient and rational use through the combination of different technologies and resources, leading to better utilization of natural resources. One of the main objectives is to generate information about the best techniques and the most appropriate timing for their adoption, with a focus on developing renewable energy use. The group’s research projects are conducted in collaboration with other public and private institutions and non-governmental organizations addressing common interests. The group also involves undergraduate and postgraduate students from UFPB to contribute to the training of professionals capable of serving as multipliers or working in various sectors of the economy with a broad and solid scientific and professional foundation.
  6. Low Carbon Economy.
 Research Project:

“Market structure and eco-efficiency of the Brazilian supply of sugar-energy bioelectricity,” ongoing since 2023. The project aims to analyze the market structure and eco-efficiency of the Brazilian supply of sugar-energy bioelectricity using methodologies such as systematic literature review, concentration and inequalities indicators, analysis of global and local spatial data exploration, Data Envelopment Analysis, Principal Component Analysis, and multi-criteria analysis. The project is funded by the Research Support Foundation of the State of Paraíba. “Efficiency and spatial dynamics of forest-based thermoelectric plants in Brazil: Empirical evidence for a circular economy,” ongoing since 2022. This project, funded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, aims to analyze the efficiency and spatial dynamics of forest-based thermoelectric plants in Brazil, using methods such as data envelopment analysis, principal component analysis, spatial autocorrelation indicators, and spatial Markov chain. The project seeks to infer factors affecting the viability of these plants and propose a methodology for selecting their best geographic locations. It also focuses on demonstrating trends in the Brazilian supply of forest bioelectricity and promoting alternatives for energy security and diversification of the Brazilian energy matrix.

Award & Honors:

  • In 2023, they received 2nd place in the VIII Brazilian Forest Service Award in Forest Economy and Market Studies from the Brazilian Forest Service (SBF).
  • In 2022, Felipe received an Honorable Mention in the VII Brazilian Forest Service Award in Forest Economy and Market Studies from the Brazilian Forest Service (SBF).
  • In 2018, Felipe received Honorable Mentions for two articles: “Environmental analysis of the consumption of forest residue firewood in red ceramic industries in Paraíba” and “Energy generation from waste from urban afforestation in João Pessoa – PB,” both from the V Brazilian Congress on Solid Waste and VII Solid Waste Meeting in Pernambuco (EPERSOL).
  • In 2018, Felipe served as the advisor for the 1st place winner in the Graduating Category of the III Brazilian Forest Service Award in Forest Economy and Market Studies from the Brazilian Forest Service (SBF).
  • In 2018, they also received 1st place in the Poster modality for the article “Disparity in the gross value of native wood products for the municipalities of Paraíba” at the III National Symposium on Studies for Plant Production in the Semi-Arid (III SINPROVS).
  • In 2015, Felipe’s work on “Quantification of the environmental impacts of firewood consumed on a small scale in the Brazilian northeast” was highlighted as a technical work at the 10th International Bioenergy Congress.

Areas of Expertise:

  1. Major area: Applied Social Sciences / Area: Economics / Subarea: Agrarian and Natural Resources Economies.
  2. Major area: Agricultural Sciences / Area: Forest Resources and Forest Engineering / Subarea: Production Forests / Specialty: Economics and Forest Planning.
  3. Major area: Engineering / Area: Production Engineering / Subarea: Economic Engineering.
  4. Major area: Engineering / Area: Mechanical Engineering / Subarea: Thermal Engineering.


  1. Permanent preservation areas in Brazilian environmental legislation
    • Authors: LAC Borges, JLP Rezende, JAA Pereira, LM Coelho Júnior, DA Barros
    • Journal: Rural Science
    • Citations: 136
    • Year: 2011
  2. Concentration of world exports of forestry products
    • Authors: LM Coelho Junior, JLP Rezende, AD Oliveira
    • Journal: Forest Science
    • Citations: 55
    • Year: 2013
  3. Carbon footprint associated with four disposal scenarios for urban pruning waste
    • Authors: YRV Araújo, ML de Góis, LMC Junior, M Carvalho
    • Journal: Environmental Science and Pollution Research
    • Citations: 51
    • Year: 2018
  4. Carbon footprint of the generation of bioelectricity from sugarcane bagasse in a sugar and ethanol industry
    • Authors: M Carvalho, VBDS Segundo, MGD Medeiros, NAD Santos, LMC Junior
    • Journal: International Journal of Global Warming
    • Citations: 49
    • Year: 2019
  5. Investment analysis of an agroforestry system under risk
    • Authors: LM Coelho Júnior, JLP Rezende, AD Oliveira, LAB Coimbra, AN SOUZA
    • Journal: Cerne
    • Citations: 48
    • Year: 2008
  6. Effects of climate change on sugarcane production in the state of Paraíba (Brazil): a panel data approach (1990–2015)
    • Authors: WK de Medeiros Silva, GP de Freitas, LM Coelho Junior, …
    • Journal: Climatic Change
    • Citations: 40
    • Year: 2019
  7. Analysis of the brazilian cellulose industry concentration (1998-2007)
    • Authors: LM Coelho Junior, JLP Rezende, ES Ávila, AD Oliveira, LAC Borges
    • Journal: Cerne
    • Citations: 34
    • Year: 2010
  8. Longitudinal analysis of charcoal prices in the state of Minas Gerais
    • Authors: LM Coelho Junior, JLP Rezende, N Calegario, ML Silva
    • Journal: Revista Árvore
    • Citations: 28
    • Year: 2006
  9. Global concentration of pulp exports
    • Authors: LMC Junior, T de Sousa Selvatti, FV Alencar, EPS Júnior, LAC Borges, …
    • Journal: Floresta
    • Citations: 26
    • Year: 2018
  10. Carbon footprint associated with firewood consumption in northeast Brazil: an analysis by the IPCC 2013 GWP 100y Criterion
    • Authors: LM Coelho Junior, K de Lourdes da Costa Martins, M Carvalho
    • Journal: Waste and Biomass Valorization
    • Citations: 24
    • Year: 2019



Mr. Romain Akpahou | Renewable Energy | Best Researcher Award

Mr. Romain Akpahou | Renewable Energy | Best Researcher Award

Researcher at Renewable Energy, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Benin

👨‍🎓He remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 He successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


Romain Akpahou is a Ph.D. Candidate at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Ghana, specializing in Sustainable Energy Technologies (SETs). His research interests encompass Renewable Energy Technologies, Energy Policy and Planning, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency and Conservation, Bioenergy, and Waste Management. Prior to his Ph.D., Romain earned an M.Sc. in Mathematical Science for Climate Resilience from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Kigali, Rwanda, focusing on Climate Mitigation and Adaptation and Sustainable Development. He holds a Master of Engineering in Mechanical and Energy Engineering from the University of Abomey-Calavi (UAC), Benin, with expertise in Renewable Energy and Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency, Project Management, Real Fluid Dynamics, and Entrepreneurship. Romain’s academic journey began with a Bachelor of Science in Energy Engineering from UAC, where he gained skills in Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Industrial Production Management, Mechanics of Fluids, and Numerical Analysis. He completed his high school education with honors in Sciences and Technology at Lycee Houffon Abomey, Benin.

Work Experience:

From June to December 2021, Romain Akpahou worked as a Junior Intern at the Rwanda Environmental Management Authority (REMA) in Kigali, Rwanda. In this role, he served as an Engineer Researcher on the Conversion of CO2 to Energy project. In 2018, he underwent Professional Training and Development at CEB in Abomey-Calavi, Benin, focusing on Strengthening the Capacity of Actors in the Energy Sector in Benin (RECASEB). His internship experience in 2017 at Cement Company LAFARGE (SCB-LAFARGE) in Pobe, Benin, involved assisting the Process Engineer. In 2016, he interned at African Renewable Energy Systems and Solutions (ARESS Sarl) in Cotonou, Benin, where he gained experience in the installation and maintenance of solar systems.

Community Activities:

Since 2018, Romain Akpahou has been involved with RB/PMJE ATLANTIQUE, the Beninese Network of the World Youth Parliamentarian for Water, based in Abomey-Calavi, Benin. In this role, he focuses on creating awareness among students about the importance and management of drinking pure water and the necessary sanitation practices. Additionally, since 2018, he has been engaged with ISF-Africa, serving as a Volunteer Engineer without Borders Africa. In this capacity, he works on community engagement, including identifying problems (needs) within the community and raising awareness about these issues, particularly in key sectors such as water and sanitation, energy and environment, and ICT.


In 2022, Romain Akpahou received the First Runner-Up Award under SDG 7 at the MaxIQ Space Annual Awards for his work on Space and Sustainability. In 2021, he was awarded the Forestry Research and Intra-African Mobility (FRAME) scholarship to support his Ph.D. studies. His academic achievements also include receiving a scholarship from the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (AIMS) in Rwanda in 2019. Additionally, in 2012, he was recognized as a National Fellow by the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Benin for his outstanding contributions.


In February 2023, Romain Akpahou participated in the World Sustainable Energy Days and the Young Biomass Researchers Conference, focusing on sustainable energy solutions. In December 2020, he attended Crepas 2020, the Regional Colloquium on Physics and Applications (2nd Edition), where discussions centered on the intersection of science and society, particularly in the context of energy, health, and the environment in Africa. Additionally, in 2019 and 2020, he engaged in a comprehensive study of climate change, with a focus on its causes, impacts, solutions, and adaptation in Africa at the University of Rwanda, Kigali. In November 2020, he contributed to the Youth Climate Innovation Lab, focusing on renewable energy and electricity.

Computer & Leadership Skills:

Romain Akpahou possesses strong computer skills, including Python programming, LaTex computing, and proficiency in MS Office. He is also an expert in software tools like RETScreen, HOMER, Coolpack, LEAP, and EnergyPLAN. In terms of leadership, he demonstrates a proactive attitude towards learning new concepts and adapting quickly to new environments. His ability to work effectively in diverse teams and his capacity for analysis and adaptation in new contexts are notable strengths. Additionally, he served as the President of the Control Body of Students in Mechanics Engineering in 2016, highlighting his leadership experience and organizational skills.


Dr. Ali Jahedsaravani | Electrical Engineering | Best Scholar Award

Dr. Ali Jahedsaravani : Leading Researcher in Electrical Engineering

Assistant Professor at Electrical Engineering, Khatam al Anbiya University, Iran

He remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 He successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


Ph.D. in Automation and Control Engineering from the University Putra Malaysia, Malaysia, earned between 2011 and 2015, with a GPA of 3.75 on a scale of 4. MSc in Automation and Control Engineering at Islamic Azad University, Gonabad branch, Iran, completed between 2008 and 2011, with a GPA of 18.28 on a scale of 20. BSc in Electronic Engineering from Islamic Azad University, Iran, Birjand, completed between 2002 and 2007, with a GPA of 14.77 on a scale of 20.

Areas of Interest:

  1. Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, Khatam al-Anbiya University, from 2018 to the present.
  2. Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Khatam al-Anbiya University, from 2016 to 2018.


Measurement of bubble size and froth velocity using convolutional neural networks

Prediction of Froth Flotation Performance Using Convolutional Neural

Recognition of process conditions of a coal column flotation circuit using computer vision and machine learning

Flotation froth image classification using convolutional neural networks

Machine vision based monitoring and analysis of a coal column flotation circuit

An image segmentation algorithm for measurement of flotation froth bubble size distributions

Development of a machine vision system for real-time monitoring and control of batch flotation process

Application of Image Processing and Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy System for Estimation of the Metallurgical Parameters of a Flotation Process



Assist Prof Dr. Avdhoot Walunj | Mechanical Engineering

Assist Prof Dr. Avdhoot Walun : Leading Researcher in Mechanical Engineering

Assistant Professor of Mechanical at Heat exchangers, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri ,India

Your remarkable academic journey, extensive research contributions, and dedication to the field of psychology are truly commendable. Your wealth of knowledge and diverse skill set reflect a deep commitment to understanding and addressing critical issues such as bullying, inclusion, and socialization.

🔬 Your successful completion of a PhD in Psychology, along with the numerous advanced courses and workshops, showcases your continuous pursuit of excellence and expertise in your field.

🏆 The awards and recognitions, including the First Place in the Poster Award at the University of Stavanger, underscore the impact of your research and the high regard it holds in the academic community.

Professional Profiles:


My academic journey has been marked by a steadfast pursuit of knowledge and excellence. Commencing with my Secondary School Certificate (S.S.C) from Pune, I achieved an impressive 87.20% in 2006, laying a strong foundation for my educational endeavors. Progressing to my Higher Secondary Certificate (H.S.C.) in Science, I continued to excel with a notable 78.80% in 2008.

My passion for mechanical engineering led me to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Pune, where I achieved a commendable grade of 65.50% upon completion in 2012. Building on this foundation, I further specialized in the field of Mechanical Engineering with a focus on Heat Power, earning a Master’s degree (M.E.) from Savitribai Phule Pune University with a remarkable grade of 7.58 in 2014. Driven by a commitment to advanced research, I undertook a Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal. Graduating in 2019, my Ph.D. journey culminated with a noteworthy grade of 7.25, reflecting both my dedication to the field and the depth of knowledge acquired throughout my academic pursuits. These academic achievements collectively represent my continuous pursuit of excellence in mechanical engineering and my commitment to scholarly endeavors.

Academic Project:

My academic journey has been characterized by a focused exploration of mechanical engineering, culminating in significant research contributions across various domains. In my Bachelor’s degree (B.E.), I conducted an Experimental Analysis of the Tribological Behavior of TiCN, Tin, and Hardchrome coatings. This study delved into the intricate details of surface coatings, particularly their tribological characteristics, providing valuable insights into material performance and durability. Building upon my undergraduate research, my Master’s degree (M.E.) focused on the Performance of Inclined Narrow Plate-fin Heat Sink under Free Convection Heat Transfer. Investigating the thermal behavior of inclined narrow plate-fin heat sinks, this research aimed to enhance our understanding of heat dissipation mechanisms, critical for applications in electronic cooling and thermal management.

Reviewer of the Journal/Conference:

The dissemination of research findings is crucial for contributing to the scientific discourse, and my work has been showcased in reputable journals and conferences. My research has been published in the following journals and presented at conferences. These platforms have provided a robust framework for sharing my contributions to the fields of nuclear engineering, heat transfer, and fluid dynamics. The publications in these journals and participation in the Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference underscore my commitment to engaging with the wider scientific community and advancing knowledge in these specialized domains.

Editorial Board Member of the Journal:

My research endeavors have found expression in esteemed journals, reflecting a dedication to advancing knowledge in the realm of mechanical engineering and energy harvesting. Published in the “Journal of Harvesting Energy” with the ISSN 2583-3197, my work contributes to the discourse on harnessing energy, a critical aspect in sustainable technology development. Furthermore, my research findings have been featured in the “International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Applications,” identified by the ISSN 2330-0248. This journal serves as a platform for disseminating insights and innovations in mechanical engineering, providing a channel to share my contributions with the broader academic and professional communities.

Avdhoot Walunj citation metrics and indices from Google Scholar are as follows:

Cited by: All: 241, Since 2018: 217
Citations: 241 (All), 217 (Since 2018)
h-index: 7 (All), 6 (Since 2018)
i10-index: 4 (All), 4 (Since 2018)


1.Applications of Nanotechnology to Enhance the Performance of the Direct Absorption Solar Collectors

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2016 with 86 citations.

2.Comparative Study of Pool Boiling Heat Transfer from Various Microchannel Geometries

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2017 with 74 citations.

3.Bubble Dynamics and Enhanced Heat Transfer During High-Pressure Pool Boiling on Rough Surface

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2018 with 14 citations.

4.Transient CHF enhancement in high pressure pool boiling on rough surface

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2018 with 14 citations.

5.Review of Performance of Rectangular Fins under Natural Convection at Different Orientation of Heat Sink

  • Published in Energy Conversion and Management in 2014 with 9 citations.