Prof. Ulku Alver Sahin | Natural Science | Best Researcher Award

Prof. Ulku Alver Sahin | Natural Science | Best Researcher Award

Professor at Natural Science, Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa, Turkey

Mr. Kennedy Kipkoech is a career Biostatistician and Modeler with 14 years of experience in research and policy at health research institutions and government agencies. He can work with researchers, program implementers, and policymakers in scientific inquiries, generating and disseminating new knowledge to inform policy and programming. His research interests focus on using epidemiological methods and statistical and mathematical modeling approaches to understand transmission dynamics and control of infectious diseases, particularly the evaluation of the impact of program interventions on HIV, viral hepatitis, and non-communicable diseases epidemics.

Professional Profiles:


Dr. Ulku Alver Sahin completed her Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering from Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey, in 1996. She continued her studies at the same institution and earned a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering in 2001. Dr. Sahin further pursued her academic career at Istanbul University and obtained her Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering in 2005. Her MSc thesis focused on the “Removal of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) in Flue Gas with Different Clay Minerals,” while her PhD thesis delved into the “Modeling PM and THC Distribution in Istanbul with Artificial Neural Network Techniques.”


Dr. Ulku Alver Sahin has a diverse educational background, including a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Engineering (1992-1996), a Master of Science in Environmental Engineering (1998-2001), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Engineering (2001-2005), all from Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey. Her MSc thesis was on “Removal of Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) in Flue Gas with Different Clay Minerals”, and her PhD thesis was on “Modeling PM and THC Distribution in Istanbul with Artificial Neural Network Techniques”. She has extensive experience in academia, starting as a Research Assistant in the Environmental Engineering Department at Istanbul University from 1998 to 2007. She then served as an Assistant Professor in the same department from 2007 to 2013, followed by an Associate Professorship from 2013 to 2019. Since 2019, she has held the position of Professor in the Environmental Engineering Department at Istanbul University. Dr. Sahin has also worked as a Researcher at Carleton University in the Environmental Engineering Department in Ottawa, Canada, from February 21, 2012, to May 26, 2012. Additionally, she served as a Researcher at the Science and Technology Branch, Environmental Canada, as a Guest Worker from April 30, 2012, to May 4, 2012.

Research Interest:

Dr. Ulku Alver Sahin specializes in the monitoring and statistical analysis of atmospheric aerosols and gases. Her expertise includes particulate matter size distribution analysis, with a focus on nanoparticles. She is experienced in modeling air pollutants using dispersion and receptor models, as well as conducting source analysis of air pollution through measurement and modeling techniques. Dr. Sahin is also skilled in developing emission inventories and implementing technologies to calculate, measure, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Her research extends to indoor air quality, including the measurement of elements in inhalable particulate matter. Additionally, she has knowledge in flue gas and particulate matter treatment technologies, contributing to her comprehensive understanding of environmental engineering and air quality management.

Certificate & Training:

Dr. Ulku Alver Sahin has engaged in various professional development activities and training programs related to environmental engineering and greenhouse gas emissions. She participated in the ISO 14064-1:2006 Estimation of greenhouse gas emissions and removal at establishment level training organized by the TMMOB Chamber of Environmental Engineers Istanbul Branch in 2013. Additionally, she completed the ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Qualification of Experiment and Calibration Laboratories training at the TSC Training Academy in 2010. Dr. Sahin has also served as a referee for the Istanbul Chamber of Industry’s Environment Project Awards from 2014 to 2015. Furthermore, she participated in training sessions such as the TÜCEV/KAREM “Training for the teachers: Calculation of Greenhouse Gasses” in 2017 and the EGAR Training Course on Positive Matrix Factorization for source apportionment studies in 2017, both held in Turkey. She furthered her expertise by attending the IDAEA (Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research) “Third Training Course on PMF (Positive Matrix Factorization)” in 2018, held in Barcelona, Spain.

Award & Honors:

Dr. Ulku Alver Sahin has received recognition for her research and contributions in the field of environmental engineering. She was awarded the preliminary prize for her papers by the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council, acknowledging the quality and impact of her research. Additionally, Dr. Sahin has been honored with successful researcher awards by Istanbul University, highlighting her significant contributions to the field. These awards reflect her dedication and excellence in environmental engineering research.


  1. “Elemental characterization of PM2.5 and PM1 in dense traffic area in Istanbul, Turkey”
    • Authors: B Onat, UA Sahin, T Akyuz
    • Citations: 75
    • Year: 2013
  2. “Estimating of shipping emissions in the Samsun Port from 2010 to 2015”
    • Authors: F Alver, BA Saraç, ÜA Şahin
    • Citations: 66
    • Year: 2018
  3. “Determinants of exposure to ultrafine particulate matter, black carbon, and PM2.5 in common travel modes in Istanbul”
    • Authors: B Onat, ÜA Şahin, B Uzun, Ö Akın, F Özkaya, C Ayvaz
    • Citations: 58
    • Year: 2019
  4. “Hydrogels with acid groups for removal of copper (II) and lead (II) ions”
    • Authors: H Kaşgöz, A Kaşgöz, Ü Şahin, TY Temelli, C Bayat
    • Citations: 57
    • Year: 2006
  5. “Application of cellular neural network (CNN) to the prediction of missing air pollutant data”
    • Authors: ÜA Şahin, C Bayat, ON Uçan
    • Citations: 54
    • Year: 2011
  6. “PM10 concentrations and the size distribution of Cu and Fe-containing particles in Istanbul’s subway system”
    • Authors: ÜA Şahin, B Onat, B Stakeeva, T Ceran, P Karim
    • Citations: 50
    • Year: 2012
  7. “Existence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA on ambient particulate matter samples: a nationwide study in Turkey”
    • Authors: Ö Kayalar, A Arı, G Babuccu, N Konyalılar, Ö Doğan, F Can, ÜA Şahin
    • Citations: 45
    • Year: 2021
  8. “Recycle of metals for end-of-life vehicles (ELVs) and relation to Kyoto protocol”
    • Authors: MC Altay, N Sivri, B Onat, Ü Şahin, M Zorağa, HF Altay
    • Citations: 43
    • Year: 2011
  9. “Assessment of particulate matter in the urban atmosphere: size distribution, metal composition and source characterization using principal component analysis”
    • Authors: B Onat, ÜA Şahin, C Bayat
    • Citations: 37
    • Year: 2012
  10. “The effects of COVID-19 measures on air pollutant concentrations at urban and traffic sites in Istanbul”
    • Authors: ÜA Şahin
    • Citations: 36
    • Year: 2020


Prof Dr. Dalva Paulus | Plant production

🎉🏆 Congratulations, Prof Dr. Dalva Paulus, on Your Outstanding Achievement as the Best Researcher! 🏆🎉
Prof Dr. Dalva Paulus: Leading Researcher in Plant production

Congratulations, Prof Dr. Dalva Paulus, on winning the esteemed Best Researcher Award from Sciencefather! Your dedication, innovative research, and scholarly contributions have truly made a significant impact in your field. Your commitment to advancing knowledge and pushing the boundaries of research is commendable. Here’s to your continued success in shaping the future of academia and making invaluable contributions to your field. Well done!

Prof Dr. Dalva Paulus, a distinguished academic and researcher in the field of renewable energy, holds a Professor and researcher in the postgraduate program in agroecosystems from Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Brazil. His academic journey has been marked by a profound dedication to advancing solar energy technologies, specifically in solar thermal harvesting and its integration into agricultural and architectural applications.

Professional Profiles:

Dalva Paulus – Currículo Resumido

Endereço Profissional: Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Campus Dois Vizinhos Estrada para Boa Esperança Km 04 – Comunidade São Cristóvão Interior 85660000 – Dois Vizinhos, PR – Brasil Telefone: (46) 35368402

Formação Acadêmica:

  • Doutorado em Agronomia (2006 – 2008):
    • Universidade de São Paulo, USP, Brasil.
    • Título: Produção, qualidade, parâmetros fisiológicos e bioquímicos de alface sob hidroponia com águas salinas.
    • Orientador: Durval Dourado Neto.
    • Bolsista do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, CNPq, Brasil.
  • Mestrado em Agronomia (2002 – 2004):
    • Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Brasil.
    • Título: Produção, Teor e Qualidade de Óleo Essencial de Menta em Hidroponia e a Campo.
    • Orientador: Sandro Luís Peter Medeiros.
    • Bolsista da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, CAPES, Brasil.
  • Graduação em Agronomia (1996 – 2001):
    • Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, UFSM, Brasil.
    • Bolsista da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, FAPERGS, Brasil.

Atuação Profissional:

  • Professora da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Campus Dois Vizinhos.
  • Responsável pelo laboratório de horticultura e unidade de ensino e pesquisa de olericultura e plantas medicinais.

Vínculos Institucionais:

  1. Servidor Público (2008 – Atual) – Dedicação exclusiva.
  2. Responsável pelo Laboratório de Horticultura (2011 – Atual) – Carga horária: 20 horas.
  3. Colaborador (2008 – Atual) – Professora, Dedicação exclusiva.
  4. Professora Substituta Colégio (2004 – 2006) – Professora de Ensino de 1º e 2º grau, carga horária: 0.

Atividades Desenvolvidas:

  • Ministra disciplinas de Olericultura, Irrigação, Agricultura, Administração Rural.
  • Experiência nas áreas de ecofisiologia de cultivos protegidos, aproveitamento de águas residuárias e propagação de plantas medicinais.

Projetos de Pesquisa Atuais (2022 – Atual):

    • Pesquisa sobre a propagação vegetativa do lúpulo e seus aspectos agronômicos.
    • Experimentos realizados na Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Campus Dois Vizinhos.