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Guissou, E., Poda, S., de Sales Hien, D. F., Yerbanga, S. R., Da, D. F., Cohuet, A., … (2020). Effect of irradiation on the survival and susceptibility of female Anopheles arabiensis to natural isolates of Plasmodium falciparum. Parasites & Vectors, 13, 1-11. [Cited by 7]
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Poda, B. S., Cribellier, A., FeugĆØre, L., Fatou, M., Nignan, C., Hien, D. F. S., MĆ¼ller, P., … (2024). Spatial and temporal characteristics of laboratory-induced Anopheles coluzzii swarms: shape, structure and flight kinematics. bioRxiv, 2024.03.25.586329. [Cited by 4]
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BimbilĆ© Somda, N. S., MaĆÆga, H., Mamai, W., Bakhoum, T., Wallner, T., Poda, S. B., … (2022). Adult mosquito predation and potential impact on the sterile insect technique. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 2561. [Cited by 1]
Poda, S. B., Guissou, E., Gilles, J., Rayaisse, J. B., LefĆØvre, T., Roux, O., Dabire, R. K. (2017). Impact of irradiation on reproductive performance of wild and laboratory Anopheles arabiensis mosquitoes. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 97, 53. [Cited by 1]
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